
Will the graphite industry take off?

Supply and demand trends revealed by Simon Moores, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence The use of graphite in lithium-ion batteries has been a huge topic of discussion over the last few years. Naturally, this has ramped up interest in the carbon mineral and demand appears to be growing. How the increase in graphite consumption in Li-ion batteries [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:22+00:00Tuesday, 20 September, 2016|Newsfile|Comments Off on Will the graphite industry take off?

Refractory mineral sources: where are they?

Announcing IMFORMED's Refractory Raw Material World Sources Map® Primary world sources and production capacity of key refractory raw materials As we know, the physical and chemical properties of industrial minerals make good their application in a wide variety of industrial and domestic uses. Manufacturing of refractory products is one of the most important markets for industrial [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:22+00:00Monday, 19 September, 2016|Newsfile|Comments Off on Refractory mineral sources: where are they?

Graphite Supply Chain 2016

Early Bird Registration Closing Today Register Now! Confirmed speakers The graphite supply chain: the rising criticality of niche minerals versus commodities Mike O’Driscoll, Director, IMFORMED, UK Graphite: An independent supply/demand forecast for 2017 onwards Simon Moores, Managing Director, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence, UK Refractories: Global trends and the future for graphite’s biggest market Dr Paschoal Bonadia [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:22+00:00Wednesday, 31 August, 2016|Newsfile|Comments Off on Graphite Supply Chain 2016

Jinding USA named exclusive Americas supplier for Liaoning Jinding Magnesite Group

Direct sourcing of Chinese high grade fused and dead burned magnesia One of China’s leading magnesia producers, Liaoning Jinding Magnesite Group Co. Ltd (JDMG), has named Jinding USA (JDUSA) its exclusive magnesia sales agent and exporter for North, Central and South America. JDUSA, based in Pennsylvania, was recently established by James Piraino, its President, formerly [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:22+00:00Tuesday, 19 July, 2016|Newsfile|Comments Off on Jinding USA named exclusive Americas supplier for Liaoning Jinding Magnesite Group

Graphite’s future: what lies ahead?

Graphite Supply Chain 2016 | The world’s new meeting place for the natural graphite industry As industrial minerals go, graphite can be as exciting as it gets (no disrespect to US frac sand developers in the mid-2000s!). There are few commercially developed sources, distinct grade development and specifications are required, and processing and logistics can [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:22+00:00Thursday, 7 July, 2016|Newsfile|Comments Off on Graphite’s future: what lies ahead?

Houston Highlights

Oilfield Minerals Forum 2016 Review Despite the cautious rally of oil prices in recent weeks the oil industry has remained depressed. In such downturns it is often imperative to glean market knowledge as never before. So perhaps it was no surprise that last week’s Oilfield Minerals & Markets Forum Houston 2016 organised by IMFORMED with [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:22+00:00Tuesday, 14 June, 2016|Newsfile|Comments Off on Houston Highlights

Magnesia comes home

MagForum 2016 Review Austria is host to some wonderful scenery and culture, but it is also the home of the modern magnesia industry, and thus Vienna was a most fitting venue for IMFORMED’s inaugural magnesium minerals and markets conference MagForum 2016, 9-11 May 2016. RHI's Weissenstein magnesite mine, Austria Last week 130 international [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:22+00:00Thursday, 19 May, 2016|Newsfile|1 Comment

Oilfield market outlook: new dawn rises?

The BIG picture for oilfield mineral demand Have we reached the bottom of the oil price decline and tentative recovery is on the way? Perhaps. Oil prices have consistently risen in the last few weeks and while there remains caution in the market, there are signs that perhaps the corner has been turned and there [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:22+00:00Wednesday, 18 May, 2016|Newsfile|Comments Off on Oilfield market outlook: new dawn rises?

Barite capacity impacted by oilfield blues

Halliburton idles Nevada plant; starts new source in Kazakhstan It’s been a busy month for the barite sector, despite the prevailing dark clouds of the oilfield industry. Halliburton’s Q1 2016 operational update last Friday made bleak reading and their executives were pulling no punches. “Life has changed in the energy industry, especially in North America” said [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:22+00:00Tuesday, 26 April, 2016|Newsfile|Comments Off on Barite capacity impacted by oilfield blues