
Proppant players in Europe: ceramic proppant options limited as Baltic Ceramics gears up

Laying concrete foundations for Baltic Ceramics' new 60,000 tpa ceramic proppants plant at Lubsko, near Zielona Gora, western Poland, expected on stream by the second half of 2015. Feedstock for the new plant will come from Baltic Ceramics’ own high alumina kaolin close to the plant, as well as possibly using bauxite from Greece, [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:26+00:00Friday, 9 January, 2015|Newsfile|Comments Off on Proppant players in Europe: ceramic proppant options limited as Baltic Ceramics gears up

Shale gas market in Europe remains uncertain

The frac pad at San Leon Energy’s Lewino-1G2 well in Poland's northern Baltic Basin. Described as “the best single frac in a vertical well in European shale”, the operation used 30/50 mesh ceramic proppants. Engineering for a horizontal multi-fracking operation is continuing. Courtesy San Leon Energy Plc. Further withdrawals by overseas oil and [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:26+00:00Friday, 9 January, 2015|Newsfile|Comments Off on Shale gas market in Europe remains uncertain

Mining supergroups – do industrial minerals get a look-in?

Richards Bay Minerals, South Africa. Copyright © 2014 Rio Tinto. Glencore acquiring Rio Tinto would have established a world mining supergroup. For the time being it now looks as if the deal is off, with both parties now assessing options as the mineral community ponders such grand scale mergers. With Glencore’s established might [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:26+00:00Monday, 22 December, 2014|Newsfile|Comments Off on Mining supergroups – do industrial minerals get a look-in?