
British Fluorspar in UK mining revival

Fluorspar market upturn projected for 2018 | US HFC ban showdown "We have to make underground mining in the UK more efficient, that is the future." Peter Robinson, Chairman, British Fluorspar. Courtesy British Fluorspar British Fluorspar’s rejuvenation of the Milldam Mine in Derbyshire, UK is one of several industrial mineral developments which have [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:21+00:00Monday, 9 October, 2017|Newsfile|Comments Off on British Fluorspar in UK mining revival

Fluorspar revival in Newfoundland

Canada Fluorspar leads pack of emerging new suppliers Canada Fluorspar Inc.’s St Lawrence mine was officially opened, or rather, reactivated last month, following almost 40 years of exploration and attempts to restart operations since the mine was closed in 1978 (see history chart). New horizons for Newfoundland fluorspar: the recently reopened St Lawrence mine [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:21+00:00Wednesday, 6 September, 2017|Newsfile|2 Comments

Fluorine Forum 2017: Early Bird Rates end 15 September

Book Now! Early Bird Closing Soon €1400 | £1200 | US$1500 Thereafter:  €1900 | £1600 | US$2000 Meet the global fluorine market in San Luis Potosi Visit the world's largest mine of Mexichem Programme Hotel Registration Fluorine Forum 2017 & our market analysis For all enquiries, please contact Ismene Clarke +44 [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:21+00:00Wednesday, 23 August, 2017|Newsfile|Comments Off on Fluorine Forum 2017: Early Bird Rates end 15 September

Chinese magnesite supply: 80% to come under state control & consolidation

The prospect of China’s magnesite mining sector coming under state ownership accompanied by consolidation of major players into one entity is looking increasingly likely to come to fruition this year. The Huaziyu magnesite mine, Haicheng, the second largest magnesite mine in Liaoning province. This magnesite source and others like it are soon to be [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:21+00:00Friday, 4 August, 2017|Newsfile|Comments Off on Chinese magnesite supply: 80% to come under state control & consolidation

China minerals supply squeeze: hangover to 2018 likely

• Environmental and explosives controls impact output, prices increase • Magnesite supply reform: state control of raw magnesite sales • Bauxite/BFA supply also challenged How green is my valley? Mining of magnesite and production of magnesia in Liaoning province has been severely hit by a combination of very limited provision of explosives for mining [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:21+00:00Friday, 28 July, 2017|Newsfile|4 Comments

Fluorspar renaissance rallies in South Africa

SepFluor kickstarts Nokeng as Doornhoek awaits green light Core values: logging core at SepFluor's Nokeng project, where 12.2m tonnes of ore have been measured at an average of about 27% CaF2. Courtesy SepFluor The emergence of a new era of South African fluorspar production may have been heralded by SepFluor Ltd subsidiary Nokeng [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:21+00:00Tuesday, 25 July, 2017|Newsfile|Comments Off on Fluorspar renaissance rallies in South Africa

Fluorspar future: strong outlook for steel, aluminium, and fluoropolymers

Despite a decline in world fluorspar demand in 2016 owing to weak demand particularly for metallurgical-grade material, the outlook remains strong for fluorine in the steel, aluminium, and fluoropolymer markets as prices firm during 2017. This was the essence of a review of the fluorspar market by Peter Huxtable, Huxtable Associates, UK published in Mining [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:21+00:00Thursday, 6 July, 2017|Newsfile|1 Comment

Magnesia market outlook: Krakow crackerjack

MagForum 2017 analyses latest issues and spotlights potential newcomers and markets Key takeaways China: supply impact issues to beset 2017-18; controversial trade reforms proposed New supply sources and capacities: Saudi Arabia (DBM+CCM), Australia, Canada Refractories: steady growth in steel demand; good cement outlook for certain regions Market opportunities in hydrometallurgy, flame retardants, environment, cement board, [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:21+00:00Sunday, 25 June, 2017|Newsfile|1 Comment

Fluorine market outlook: “Interesting times…a lot of uncertainty”

IMFORMED interviews Peter Huxtable & Alison Saxby Plus Fluorine Forum 2017 Programme Update "It's a very interesting time. There is an awful lot happening, and a lot of uncertainty". So says Peter Huxtable, consultant and specialist in fluorspar with over 40 years’ experience in the industry, including 20 years at the Glebe fluorspar mine in [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:21+00:00Thursday, 8 June, 2017|Newsfile|Comments Off on Fluorine market outlook: “Interesting times…a lot of uncertainty”

Oilfield Minerals Outlook: Houston hoedown hits home

Oilfield Minerals & Markets Forum 2017 Review This year there was definitely something to smile about, and we are not just referring those intrepid delegates braving the “bucking bronco” at the Monday reception (more on that later). The oilfield minerals industry is feeling its way out of the doldrums of 2015/16, as drilling activity recovers, [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:21+00:00Saturday, 3 June, 2017|Newsfile|Comments Off on Oilfield Minerals Outlook: Houston hoedown hits home