Mike O'Driscoll

About Mike O'Driscoll

Mike has over 30 years experience in the international mining and minerals industry, specialising in industrial minerals and markets, for which he is widely recognised as a leading expert. After serving 26 years at Industrial Minerals (IM) magazine – 17 years as Editor – Mike left IM in 2014 to pursue an independent career in the industrial minerals business, and launched IMFORMED in January 2015 with Ismene Clarke. Read more >

Fluorspar market outlook | Madrid meet hits the spot

Fluorine Forum 2018 Review The beginning of the year’s final quarter is always a busy time for the fluorspar market, as consumers seek to secure supply for the following year. With prices at six-year highs and availability constrained, negotiations and discussion have been at a higher level of intensity. All of which lent a considerable [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:18+00:00Thursday, 25 October, 2018|Newsfile|Comments Off on Fluorspar market outlook | Madrid meet hits the spot

China minerals supply outlook: Shanghai showdown

Review of China Refractory & Abrasive Minerals Forum 2018 Well, the Chinese Year of the Dog has certainly lived up to its name as suppliers, traders, and consumers of Chinese refractory and abrasive minerals strive to secure supply contracts under challenging circumstances for 2019 as we head into Q4 2018. The continuing tightness in supply [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:18+00:00Friday, 12 October, 2018|Newsfile|2 Comments

Fluorspar outlook: a new era dawns?

Taking shape: construction at Sepfluor Ltd's Nokeng Fluorspar Project is expected to conclude at the end of October, aiming at 630,000 tpa crude ore, 180,000 tpa acidspar, and 30,000 tpa metspar; initial production targeted for Q1 2019. Courtesy Sepfluor Was 2017 a turning point for the world fluorspar market? Can prices maintain their [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:18+00:00Thursday, 4 October, 2018|Newsfile|Comments Off on Fluorspar outlook: a new era dawns?

China minerals meltdown 2: long hot summer of discontent smoulders on

China customs sharpens up | Bauxite & magnesite latest | US trade war impact China Minerals Forum 2018 Early Bird Rate ends Friday 3 August Burning bauxite...or not: a calcined bauxite plant in Shanxi province utilising round or down draught kilns (right); the province is enduring another closure of plants owing to environmental inspections. [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:18+00:00Monday, 30 July, 2018|Newsfile|Comments Off on China minerals meltdown 2: long hot summer of discontent smoulders on

Magnesia market summit: a Hamburg Humdinger

MagForum 2018 Review The great and the good of the global magnesia business gathered at IMFORMED’s MagForum 2018 conference held 17-20 June, at the Grande Elysée Hotel, Hamburg. And what a superb MagForum it turned out to be, the largest yet with 230 international attendees networking and discussing the key issues influencing the industry, stimulated [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:18+00:00Monday, 9 July, 2018|Newsfile|Comments Off on Magnesia market summit: a Hamburg Humdinger

China and raw material security dominates European refractory industry

IMFORMED proud to present at PRE & ANFRE meetings Refractory raw material supply availability is the chief concern among Europe’s refractory producers as the situation in China, the primary source of key refractory minerals, continues to indicate future supply disruptions. Gathered luminaries of the European refractories industry at the superb dinner venue (Moulin de [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:20+00:00Friday, 15 June, 2018|Newsfile|6 Comments

Magnesia source alternatives emerge in Serbia and Australia

  Test mining at Korab Resources' Winchester magnesite deposit just 60km from Darwin port, Northern Territory, Australia. Courtesy Korab Resources With the prospect of continued short supply from the world’s major source of magnesia in China, traders and buyers are seeking alternatives worldwide. Among several potential possibilities these now include a planned rejuvenation [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:20+00:00Wednesday, 23 May, 2018|Newsfile|Comments Off on Magnesia source alternatives emerge in Serbia and Australia

Hawaii comes to Houston

Oilfield Minerals Forum 2018 Review Whether it was the spirit of Aloha evoked by the Hawaiian-themed Welcome Reception organised by Excalibar Minerals, or the rising oil price supporting a recovery in drill rig activity, the positive buzz surrounding this year’s Oilfield Minerals & Markets Forum Houston made it seem like the good times were back [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:20+00:00Tuesday, 15 May, 2018|Newsfile|Comments Off on Hawaii comes to Houston

Mineral Recycling Forum 2018: Review

Refractory wreck-out: a steel ladle disgorges its spent refractory brick lining - once a waste product bound for expensive landfill sites, now a keenly sought after secondary raw material. Courtesy Sidenor IMFORMED’s Mineral Recycling Forum 2018 took place at the Radisson Blu, Cologne 15-16 March 2018 where international delegates networked and discussed the [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:21+00:00Thursday, 29 March, 2018|Uncategorized|1 Comment