
Rendezvous in Paris in the Spring – Thank you!

Just a quick note to say a big thank you to all our sponsors, speakers, and delegates for supporting and participating in such positive fashion at our inaugural IMFORMED Rendezvous this week (8-10 April, at Les Jardins du Marais). It was a real pleasure to facilitate such a vibrant forum on its first outing for a [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:18+00:00Thursday, 11 April, 2019|Newsfile|1 Comment

Squaring the Circular Economy with industrial minerals

Mineral Recycling Forum 2019 Krakow – Review This year’s Mineral Recycling Forum 2019 took place in the lovely city of Kraków, south Poland, where international delegates from across the supply chain of industrial mineral recycling gathered to network and listen to an expert panel of speakers. The Welcome Reception at the Malecon Restaurant provided excellent [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:18+00:00Tuesday, 2 April, 2019|Newsfile|Comments Off on Squaring the Circular Economy with industrial minerals

Industrial minerals: what’s it all about? Part 2

Drivers, factors, keys to success Following on from our earlier analysis of the underlying principles of the industrial minerals business (see Part 1: Overview, structure & key takeaways), here we discover what makes it tick, by highlighting the industry’s drivers, influencing factors, and keys to success. All these aspects of the market and more will [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:18+00:00Thursday, 21 March, 2019|Newsfile|3 Comments

Industrial minerals: what’s it all about? Part 1

Overview, structure, & trends The industrial minerals market is not always an easy one to understand. Minerals and rocks exploited for their non-metallurgical value represent a vital but frequently poorly understood sector of the global minerals industry – often (and rather unfairly) labelled as “unglamorous” and even “the Third World of the mining industry”! But [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:18+00:00Thursday, 14 March, 2019|Newsfile|Comments Off on Industrial minerals: what’s it all about? Part 1

Prof. Wen Lu 1937-2018 | Authority on China’s industrial minerals

It is with great sadness that we report the recent passing of Prof. Wen Lu, the respected authority on Chinese industrial minerals. Wen Lu’s contribution to knowledge and understanding of China’s vast industrial minerals resources was second to none. In particular, his communication of that knowledge, charming manner, and all round willingness in responding to [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:18+00:00Thursday, 14 March, 2019|Newsfile|3 Comments

Meet you at the SME Annual Meeting Denver

Smart Mining - Resources for a Connected World, 24-27 February 2019 Mike O'Driscoll, Director, IMFORMED will be attending this year's SME Annual Meeting & Expo, 25-27 February 2019 at the Denver Convention Center - more details here. Very much looking forward to connecting with all our North American and international contacts and meeting new friends [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:18+00:00Monday, 18 February, 2019|Newsfile|Comments Off on Meet you at the SME Annual Meeting Denver

Industrial minerals’ future & fundamentals

IMFORMED Rendezvous, 8-10 2019, Paris - Confirmed Programme All you need to know, all you need to meet, all in one place BOOK HERE! EARLY BIRD RATE ENDS 25 FEBRUARY 2019 Bringing together and making connections for established players seeking new horizons, and newcomers evaluating the industrial minerals space. FULL CONFERENCE DETAILS HERE Trying to get ahead [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:18+00:00Tuesday, 12 February, 2019|Newsfile|Comments Off on Industrial minerals’ future & fundamentals

Are you set for the Circular Economy? Challenges & opportunities revealed here

Mineral Recycling Forum 2019 Confirmed Programme Mineral Recycling Forum 2019, Krakow, 4-6 March 2019 is bringing together the leading players to network and discuss the supply chain of recycling industrial minerals, from sourcing, supply, processing, logistics to end use applications and demand outlook. Find out how the European Commission and IMA-Europe projects the industrial minerals [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:18+00:00Thursday, 7 February, 2019|Newsfile|Comments Off on Are you set for the Circular Economy? Challenges & opportunities revealed here

Who is winning the global lithium ion battery arms race?

By Simon Moores, Managing Director, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence The rise of electric vehicles (EVs) has caused upheaval in the lithium ion battery industry. Before Elon Musk announced Tesla’s intention to build the world’s biggest lithium ion battery plant, The Gigafactory 1, lithium ion batteries were somewhat of a cottage industry geared to supplying a mobile [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:18+00:00Monday, 28 January, 2019|Newsfile|Comments Off on Who is winning the global lithium ion battery arms race?

Brian O’Connell 1965-2019

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Brian O’Connell, long standing friend and expert to the oilfield industry, particularly with respect to barite purchasing at Halliburton. With his joy of life and trademark convivial engagement with his friends and colleagues, Brian gallantly carried on as much as he could in the face [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:18+00:00Monday, 14 January, 2019|Newsfile|Comments Off on Brian O’Connell 1965-2019