The world’s new meeting place for the natural graphite industry
IMFORMED is proud to announce its first partnership with Benchmark Mineral Intelligence to launch Graphite Supply Chain 2016, 13-15 November 2016, Newport Beach (near LA), California, USA, a high value conference and workshop for the natural graphite industry.
Graphite Supply Chain 2016 will analyse graphite’s price trends, supply and demand from its key end markets of batteries, refractories, recarburisers, and value added products.
Three days of presentations, workshops and networking events all dedicated to examining the present and future of the natural graphite industry
The conference will focus on the key buyers and sellers of the global natural graphite industry and create a much needed, high value forum to discuss the key trends defining the industry.
The rise of lithium-ion battery megafactories, and with it demand for spherical graphite, is taking the industry in a new direction.

Driving the future of graphite demand? Li-ion batteries in electric vehicles and utility storage. Courtesy Tesla
According to Benchmark Mineral Intelligence, in 2015 alone, spherical graphite exports out of China increased by 43% to add to a five-year CAGR growth trend of 27%.
At the same time, graphite demand from the steel market is recalibrating, leaving a situation graphite has never before faced. Furthermore, demand for value added products like expandable graphite are showing strong growth leaving a future brighter for larger flake feedstock.

And what of the impact of competition for flake graphite on industrial markets, such as refractories?
The graphite industry is at a crossroads:
- How will major new sources impact supply?
- What effect will the lithium ion battery surge have on natural graphite?
- What does the future hold for flake graphite’s industrial markets?
- Will graphite compete on cost with other carbons?
Graphite Supply Chain 2016 will have the highest profile speakers and tackle significant questions by bringing together two of the most experienced, relevant, and independent information companies for the niche minerals sector.
Benchmark Mineral Intelligence is a data collection and information company that specialises in natural graphite. Created by Simon Moores in 2014, Benchmark focuses on the critical battery raw materials – graphite, lithium and cobalt – and the lithium ion battery supply chain.
This specialist focus culminated in a 9-week world tour where the business spoke in front of 477 people and hosted a series of institutional investor breakfast briefings and luncheons arranged by Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse and Canaccord Genuity.
Together Benchmark and IMFORMED are delighted to team up for Graphite Supply Chain 2016.
Graphite Supply Chain 2016 Web Site
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