
Refractory raw material supply “the single most important challenge”

Refractory Rendezvous Delhi – IREFCON18 Report India's Tirupati Graphite Group has been a leader in flake graphite production for over two decades supplying refractory, foundry and speciality markets; pictured is the mine at Gaura in Palamau district, Jharkhand state, which has a production capacity of 50,000 tpa flake graphite. Tirupati is evaluating other deposits [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:21+00:00Wednesday, 28 March, 2018|Newsfile|Comments Off on Refractory raw material supply “the single most important challenge”

Southern Sand Storm

How US proppant demand has influenced ceramic mineral supply The Kermit, Texas plant of Hi-Crush Partners LP, located in the Permian Basin, has an annual production capacity of 3m tons of high-quality West Texas frac sand sourced from Quaternary aeolian sand dunes. Hi-Crush sold a total of 8.9m. tons frac sand in 2017, more [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:21+00:00Wednesday, 21 March, 2018|Newsfile|4 Comments

Oilfield Minerals Outlook Middle East

Review of Oilfield Minerals & Markets Forum Middle East 2018, Bahrain Courtesy RheoMinerals Inc. Key takeaways Middle East growth recognised by oilfield service companies Rising power demand drives push for unconventional gas resources Drilling muds a delicate balancing act using minerals Call for global standardisation of drilling barite specs “beyond API” CS Mining Barite expands [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:21+00:00Wednesday, 28 February, 2018|Newsfile|1 Comment

Dog Days ahead for Chinese mineral consumers?

Refractory bauxite: CMP starts new plant | Bosai to add new rotary kilns Dogged by shortages and rising prices: a lone hound sniffs out some calcined bauxite at a stockyard in Tanggu; inset left CMP's new calcination plant in Guizhou; insert right bagged bauxite awaiting export. As we approach the eve of the [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:21+00:00Tuesday, 13 February, 2018|Newsfile|3 Comments

Forums 2018 Update: Fluorine Forum | Refractory Recycling Field Trip

Fluorine Forum 2018 IMFORMED is delighted to announce the dates and venue of its fluorine minerals and markets conference Fluorine Forum 2018, 15-17 October 2018, Hotel Wellington, Madrid. We intend to build on the success of our inaugural Fluorine Forum 2017 held in San Luis Potosi last year: for a review please see Fluorspar feel [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:21+00:00Thursday, 18 January, 2018|Newsfile|Comments Off on Forums 2018 Update: Fluorine Forum | Refractory Recycling Field Trip

Best Wishes for 2018!

As IMFORMED nears its third anniversary, Mike and Ismene would like to thank all our customers, sponsors, friends, and families for their unstinting support during the year. May we take this opportunity to wish all of you a most Happy, Peaceful, and Prosperous New Year, and very much look forward to continuing our business and meeting you [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:21+00:00Tuesday, 2 January, 2018|Newsfile|Comments Off on Best Wishes for 2018!

China bauxite supply sector faces winter closures

Price rises with 5-month Shanxi plant shutdown to March 2018 in anti-pollution measure Just when you wondered if things could get any worse. Further to our earlier report on the impact of environmental legislation on China’s minerals industry (see Newsfile: China minerals meltdown) it now seems that bauxite and brown fused alumina producers in Shanxi [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:21+00:00Monday, 30 October, 2017|Newsfile|Comments Off on China bauxite supply sector faces winter closures

China minerals meltdown

Bauxite/BFA supply shortage | CMP last man standing? The heat is on: Chinese BFA is in short supply, prices are rising fast, and Henan province expects plant closures Nov 2017-Mar 2018. If ever there was a time to acknowledge and try to understand the significant influence of Chinese policies on industrial mineral supply [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:21+00:00Tuesday, 17 October, 2017|Newsfile|8 Comments

Graphite sector sees activity rise

Offtake deals for new players | Ceylon Graphite exploration As the industry builds up to its annual meeting at Graphite Supply Chain 2017, 5-7 November, Balboa Bay Resort, Newport Beach, organised by IMFORMED and Benchmark Mineral Intelligence, a raft of announcements indicates global development activity for graphite is showing no signs of letting up. Bass Metals' [...]

By |2024-03-22T05:52:21+00:00Saturday, 14 October, 2017|Newsfile|Comments Off on Graphite sector sees activity rise