As IMFORMED nears its third anniversary, Mike and Ismene would like to thank all our customers, sponsors, friends, and families for their unstinting support during the year.


May we take this opportunity to wish all of you a most Happy, Peaceful, and Prosperous New Year, and very much look forward to continuing our business and meeting you in 2018.

Forums for 2018

Programmed with Intelligence | Moderated by Experts | To Engage and Serve the Industry


Oilfield Minerals & Markets Forum Middle East 2018

5-7 February 2018, Manama, Bahrain

Supply and demand trends for industrial minerals used in the Middle East oil and gas sector


Mineral Recycling Forum 2018

15-16 March 2018, Cologne

The latest developments in recycling industrial minerals from a range of waste sources


Oilfield Minerals & Markets Forum Houston 2018

6-8 May 2018, Houston

Global outlook in supply and demand  for oilfield minerals


MagForum 2018

17-20 June 2018, Hamburg

For the full spectrum of global magnesium minerals and markets analysis and outlook


China Refractory & Abrasive Minerals Forum 2018

10-12 September, Shanghai

Evaluating Chinese supply and markets for its key export minerals


Fluorine Forum 2018

15-17 October 2018, Madrid

High quality knowledge and networking for fluorine minerals and markets


Graphite Supply Chain 2018

November 2018

Assessing the full supply chain for graphite and its end uses


Please contact us now with your interest in participating

Early Bird Rates available

Registration | Sponsorship | Exhibition

Ismene [email protected] T: +44 (0)7905 771 494

Programme | Presentations | Field Trip

Mike [email protected] T: +44 (0)7985 986 255